Charting By Exception (CBE)
Charting By Exception (CBE) ( 5 Questions)
A nurse is using a computer terminal at the client’s bedside to document care immediately after it is given.
Which of the following advantages does this method of documentation have?
It is not specific to bedside documentation.
Any method of documentation can reduce transcription errors and improve accuracy if done properly.
It is not an advantage of bedside documentation per se, but rather an advantage of electronic documentation in general.
It is not exclusive to bedside documentation.
Communication and collaboration among health care team members can be enhanced by other means, such as huddles, rounds, or handoffs.
Bedside documentation is the process of recording clinical information at the point of care, using paper or electronic formats.
This method of documentation has several advantages, such as:.
• It reduces transcription errors and improves accuracy, as the information is recorded directly from the source and not from memory or notes.
• It allows access to multiple sources of information at once, such as electronic health records, lab results, medication orders, etc.
• It enhances communication and collaboration among health care team members, as the information is shared in real time and can be accessed by authorized personnel.
• It saves time and increases efficiency for the nurse, as it eliminates the need to leave the patient’s bedside to document care or to transfer information verbally. This also allows more direct time with patients and improves patient satisfaction.