Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorders ( 36 Questions)
This choice accurately reflects one of the criteria for diagnosing OCD. The obsessions (intrusive and distressing thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts) experienced by individuals with OCD are usually connected to what they are trying to neutralize or prevent. For instance, if someone has an obsessive fear of contamination, their compulsions might involve excessive hand washing to neutralize this fear.
While perfectionism and high standards can be associated with OCD, they are not a primary diagnostic criterion. OCD is characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions that cause distress and significantly interfere with a person's daily life.
This option is incorrect. The disturbance in OCD is not attributed to the physiological effects of substances or other medical conditions. It is a distinct mental health condition that is not solely a result of substance use or another medical issue.
This option is incorrect. The symptoms of OCD should not be better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder. While comorbidities can exist, OCD has its own unique set of obsessions and compulsions that differentiate it from other mental disorders.
Choice A rationale:
This choice accurately reflects one of the criteria for diagnosing OCD. The obsessions (intrusive and distressing thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts) experienced by individuals with OCD are usually connected to what they are trying to neutralize or prevent. For instance, if someone has an obsessive fear of contamination, their compulsions might involve excessive hand washing to neutralize this fear.
Choice B rationale:
While perfectionism and high standards can be associated with OCD, they are not a primary diagnostic criterion. OCD is characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions that cause distress and significantly interfere with a person's daily life.
Choice C rationale:
This option is incorrect. The disturbance in OCD is not attributed to the physiological effects of substances or other medical conditions. It is a distinct mental health condition that is not solely a result of substance use or another medical issue.
Choice D rationale:
This option is incorrect. The symptoms of OCD should not be better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder. While comorbidities can exist, OCD has its own unique set of obsessions and compulsions that differentiate it from other mental disorders.