Physical examination
Physical examination ( 8 Questions)
Incorrect. Sitting without support typically occurs around 6-8 months.
Incorrect. Walking with assistance usually begins around 9-12 months.
Correct. Rolling from back to front is an expected motor milestone for a 6-month-old infant. Other milestones, such as sitting without support and crawling, may occur at later stages of development.
Incorrect. Crawling on hands and knees typically occurs around 7-10 months.
A. Incorrect. Sitting without support typically occurs around 6-8 months.
B. Incorrect. Walking with assistance usually begins around 9-12 months.
C. Correct. Rolling from back to front is an expected motor milestone for a 6-month-old infant. Other milestones, such as sitting without support and crawling, may occur at later stages of development.
D. Incorrect. Crawling on hands and knees typically occurs around 7-10 months.