Cultural Competence and Diversity in Healthcare > Fundamentals
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Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare Settings
Total Questions : 6
Showing 6 questions, Sign in for moreA nurse is caring for a client who identifies as transgender and is scheduled for gender-affirming surgery. What is the most appropriate way for the nurse to address the client?
Rationale: The nurse should respect the client's autonomy and dignity by addressing them by their preferred name and gender identity, regardless of their legal status or surgical status. This demonstrates cultural competence and sensitivity, and fosters a trusting relationship between the nurse and the client.
Incorrect options:
A) By their legal name and assigned sex at birth - This is an inappropriate way to address the client, as it disregards their gender identity and expression, and may cause them distress or harm.
C) By a neutral term, such as "patient" or "client" - This is an impersonal way to address the client, and may imply that the nurse is uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the client's gender identity. It may also make the client feel dehumanized or invalidated.
D) By asking the client's family or friends how they refer to the client - This is an unreliable way to address the client, as the client's family or friends may not be supportive or knowledgeable of the client's gender identity. It may also violate the client's privacy or confidentiality.
A nurse is working with a client who has recently immigrated from Somalia and practices Islam. The client is fasting during Ramadan, which coincides with their hospitalization. What should the nurse do to support the client's cultural and religious needs?
Rationale: The nurse should respect the client's right to practice their religion and honor their cultural beliefs, as long as they do not pose a serious threat to their health or safety. The nurse should also monitor the client for any adverse effects of fasting, such as dehydration, hypoglycemia, electrolyte imbalance, or infection, and intervene as needed.
Incorrect options:
A) Encourage the client to eat small amounts of food throughout the day to maintain their nutritional status - This is a disrespectful way to approach the client, as it shows a lack of understanding and appreciation of their religious practice. It may also offend or alienate the client.
B) Arrange for the client to have halal meals delivered to their room after sunset and before dawn - This is a thoughtful gesture, but it does not address the issue of fasting during daylight hours, which is a requirement of Ramadan. The nurse should also consult with the client before making any arrangements for their meals, as they may have other preferences or restrictions.
C) Explain to the client that fasting is not advisable for their health condition and offer them alternative options - This is a paternalistic way to approach the client, as it implies that the nurse knows better than the client what is best for them. It may also undermine the client's faith or autonomy.
A nurse is conducting a health assessment on a new client who belongs to an Indigenous community. The nurse notices that the client avoids eye contact and speaks in a low voice. How should the nurse interpret these behaviors?
Rationale: The nurse should be aware that different cultures have different norms and expectations regarding eye contact and communication styles. In some Indigenous cultures, avoiding eye contact and speaking in a low voice are considered respectful or humble behaviors, especially when interacting with someone in a position of authority or expertise.
Incorrect options:
A) As signs of anxiety or fear - This is a misinterpretation of the client's behaviors, as they may not reflect their emotional state. The nurse should not assume that the client is anxious or fearful without further assessment or evidence.
C) As signs of dishonesty or evasion - This is a biased interpretation of the client's behaviors, as it reflects a negative stereotype or prejudice. The nurse should not judge the client's honesty or credibility based on their eye contact or voice tone.
D) As signs of depression or sadness - This is an inaccurate interpretation of the client's behaviors, as they may not indicate their mood or mental health. The nurse should not diagnose the client with depression or sadness without a comprehensive evaluation or criteria.
A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has limited English proficiency. The client is accompanied by their adult son, who speaks both English and the client's native language. What is the best way for the nurse to ensure effective communication and education with the client?
Rationale: The nurse should use a professional interpreter, preferably one who is trained and certified in health care, to ensure accurate, clear, and culturally appropriate communication and education with the client. A professional interpreter can also help to maintain the client's privacy, confidentiality, and dignity.
Incorrect options:
A) Use simple words and gestures to communicate with the client directly - This is an ineffective way to communicate with the client, as it may lead to misunderstanding, confusion, or frustration. It may also convey a lack of respect or professionalism from the nurse.
B) Ask the client's son to translate the instructions for the client verbally - This is an inappropriate way to communicate with the client, as it may compromise the quality and accuracy of the information. The client's son may not be familiar with medical terminology, may omit or alter some details, or may have a personal bias or agenda.
C) Provide written instructions in both English and the client's native language - This is an insufficient way to communicate with the client, as it may not address the client's literacy level, comprehension level, or learning style. It may also not allow for feedback or clarification from the client.
A nurse is working in a long-term care facility that serves a diverse population of older adults. The nurse notices that some residents prefer to eat foods from their own cultural backgrounds, while others enjoy trying new cuisines. What term best describes this phenomenon?
Rationale: Acculturation is the process of adopting or adapting to some aspects of another culture, while retaining one's own cultural identity. It can occur at different levels and rates, depending on various factors, such as age, education, motivation, and exposure.
Incorrect options:
B) Assimilation - Assimilation is the process of losing one's original cultural identity and becoming fully integrated into another culture. It usually involves a complete abandonment of one's native language, values, beliefs, and customs.
C) Ethnocentrism - Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view one's own culture as superior or more desirable than other cultures. It usually involves a negative or prejudiced attitude towards other cultures, and a resistance to change or diversity.
D) Multiculturalism - Multiculturalism is the recognition and appreciation of different cultures within a society. It usually involves a respect for diversity and pluralism, and a promotion of cultural exchange and dialogue.
A nurse is planning a health promotion program for a group of clients who are refugees from Syria. The nurse wants to incorporate some culturally relevant strategies to enhance the clients' participation and engagement. What should the nurse do?
The nurse should use a variety of culturally relevant strategies to enhance the clients' participation and engagement in the health promotion program. These strategies may include:
- Inviting a religious leader from the local mosque to deliver a prayer before each session - This may show respect for the clients' faith and spirituality, which may be an important source of strength and resilience for them.
- Including some traditional Syrian dishes and beverages as part of the refreshments - This may show appreciation for the clients' culinary heritage and preferences, which may be an important aspect of their identity and culture.
- Using some Arabic words and phrases when greeting and thanking the clients - This may show interest in learning about the clients' language and communication style, which may be an important factor in building rapport and trust with them.
Incorrect options:
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