Ethical Principles in Nursing:

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Question 1:

A nurse is caring for a patient who is nonverbal and unable to communicate their pain level. According to ethical principles in nursing, what action should the nurse take?


Consult with the healthcare provider for further instructions.

Ethical principles in nursing emphasize the importance of patient autonomy and informed decision-making. In this situation, since the patient is nonverbal and unable to communicate their pain level, it is crucial to consult with the healthcare provider for further guidance on assessing and managing the patient's pain. This ensures that the nurse follows the principle of beneficence by providing appropriate and individualized care to the patient.

  • Option a assumes the nurse's assessment alone is sufficient, disregarding the need for healthcare provider collaboration and input.

  • Option c makes assumptions about the absence of pain without adequate assessment or guidance.

  • Option d, while involving the family is important, does not replace the need for healthcare provider consultation in making decisions about pain management.

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Question 2:

A nurse is caring for a patient who has expressed a desire to refuse a life-saving treatment. According to ethical principles in nursing, what action should the nurse take?


Respect the patient's autonomy and honor their decision.

Ethical principles, such as respect for autonomy and informed consent, play a vital role in nursing practice. If a patient expresses a desire to refuse a life-saving treatment, the nurse's responsibility is to respect their autonomy and honor their decision. The nurse should provide information and support to ensure the patient understands the implications of their decision, but ultimately, it is the patient's right to make choices about their own healthcare.

  • Option b undermines the principle of autonomy by attempting to convince the patient against their own decision.

  • Option c disregards the patient's autonomy and places decision-making power in the hands of others without proper justification.

  • Option d may be appropriate in certain situations, but the immediate focus is on respecting the patient's autonomy and honoring their decision.

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Question 3:

A nurse is caring for a patient who is terminally ill and in severe pain. According to ethical principles in nursing, which action is most appropriate? 


Assessing the patient's pain level and advocating for appropriate pain management.

Ethical principles in nursing emphasize the importance of providing optimal care and relieving suffering. In this situation, the nurse's role is to assess the patient's pain level, advocate for appropriate pain management, and collaborate with the healthcare provider to ensure the patient's comfort. This upholds the principle of beneficence by promoting the patient's well-being and ensuring their pain is adequately addressed.

  • Option a may be unsafe and inappropriate without consulting the healthcare provider for appropriate medication dosing.

  • Option c neglects the patient's right to pain relief and prioritizes potential risks over the patient's well-being.

  • Option d is unethical as it involves deception and undermines the trust between the nurse and the patient.

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Question 4:

A nurse is asked by a family member to access the medical records of a patient who is not their relative. According to ethical principles in nursing, what is the nurse's responsibility?


Refuse the family member's request and explain the importance of patient confidentiality.

Ethical principles in nursing emphasize the importance of maintaining patient confidentiality and privacy. In this situation, the nurse should refuse the family member's request to access the medical records and explain the legal and ethical obligations to protect patient information. Patient confidentiality must be maintained unless authorized by the patient or required by law.

  • Option a violates patient confidentiality and disregards the nurse's responsibility to protect patient information.

  • Option b may provide limited information but does not justify accessing the medical records without proper authorization.

  • Option d is not necessary in this situation as patient confidentiality is a fundamental principle that should be upheld.

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Question 5:

A nurse is caring for a patient who has expressed concerns about the involvement of a certain healthcare provider in their care. According to ethical principles in nursing, what is the nurse's responsibility?


Report the patient's concerns to the appropriate authority for investigation.

Ethical principles in nursing include advocating for patient rights and safety. If a patient expresses concerns about a specific healthcare provider, the nurse's responsibility is to report those concerns to the appropriate authority for investigation. This ensures that patient safety is prioritized and any potential issues are addressed appropriately.

  • Option a dismisses the patient's concerns and does not address the potential underlying issues.

  • Option c disregards the importance of addressing patient concerns and potential risks to patient safety.

  • Option d does not respect the patient's right to choose and may not adequately address their concerns.

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