Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

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Question 1:

A nurse is caring for a patient who refuses a life-saving treatment due to personal beliefs. What action should the nurse take to address this legal and ethical issue?


Seek guidance from the ethics committee or healthcare team.

Respecting patient autonomy while ensuring their well-being is crucial in addressing legal and ethical issues. In this situation, the nurse should seek guidance from the ethics committee or healthcare team to navigate the conflict between the patient's refusal and the potential harm it may cause. The ethics committee can help provide a framework for decision-making that respects both the patient's autonomy and the nurse's duty to protect life.

  • Option a (respecting the patient's decision and documenting refusal) is appropriate if the refusal is informed and the patient has decision-making capacity. However, seeking guidance from the ethics committee or healthcare team is still recommended.

  • Option b (convincing the patient to accept treatment) violates the principle of patient autonomy and disregards their right to make decisions based on personal beliefs.

  • Option c (overriding the patient's decision) is ethically and legally inappropriate without proper justification or court authorization.

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Question 2:

A nurse overhears a conversation among colleagues discussing confidential patient information outside of the designated work area. What action should the nurse take to address this legal and ethical breach? 


Remind colleagues about the importance of patient confidentiality and suggest discussing sensitive matters in private.

Maintaining patient confidentiality is a legal and ethical responsibility of healthcare professionals. In this situation, the nurse should remind colleagues about the importance of patient confidentiality and suggest discussing sensitive matters in a private, designated area. This action promotes ethical conduct, upholds patient rights, and helps create a culture of respect for privacy.

  • Option a (joining the conversation and sharing experiences) contributes to the breach of patient confidentiality and does not address the issue.

  • Option b (ignoring the conversation) passively allows the breach to continue and does not fulfill the nurse's responsibility to protect patient information.

  • Option d (reporting the incident to the supervisor or appropriate authority) may be necessary if the breach persists or if the reminder is ignored. However, addressing the issue directly with colleagues is a proactive step that should be taken first.

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Question 3:

A nurse is asked by a family member to disclose a patient's medical information without the patient's consent. What is the nurse's appropriate response to this request?


Refuse to disclose the information and explain the importance of patient confidentiality.

Maintaining patient confidentiality is a fundamental ethical and legal obligation. In this situation, the nurse should refuse to disclose the information and explain to the family member the importance of patient confidentiality. Patient privacy and autonomy must be protected, and sharing information without consent can violate the patient's rights and confidentiality.

  • Option a (sharing the information with the family member) is inappropriate without the patient's consent and violates patient confidentiality.

  • Option c (informing the patient and seeking their consent) is a possible course of action, but the nurse's primary responsibility is to protect patient confidentiality.

  • Option d (consulting with the healthcare provider) may be necessary in complex situations, but the initial response should be to refuse disclosure and explain the importance of patient confidentiality.

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Question 4:

A nurse is documenting patient care in the electronic health record (EHR) and realizes they made an error in documenting a medication dose. What action should the nurse take to address this legal and ethical issue?


Add an addendum to the documentation explaining the error and the correct medication dose.

Accurate and timely documentation is essential for providing quality care and maintaining legal and ethical standards. In this situation, the nurse should add an addendum to the documentation, clearly explaining the error made in documenting the medication dose and providing the correct information. This ensures transparency, maintains the integrity of the record, and allows for accurate communication among healthcare providers.

  • Option a (leaving the error as is) is inappropriate as it compromises the accuracy and reliability of the patient's health record, which may impact future care decisions.

  • Option b (altering the documentation) is unethical and potentially illegal, as it involves falsifying information in the patient's record.

  • Option d (reporting the error to the supervisor or appropriate authority) may be necessary, but the immediate action should be to address the error in the documentation itself.

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Question 5:

A nurse is assigned to care for a patient whose cultural beliefs and practices differ significantly from their own. What action should the nurse take to ensure culturally sensitive and ethical care?


Seek cultural consultation or guidance from resources within the healthcare facility.

Cultural competence and sensitivity are essential components of ethical nursing care. In this situation, the nurse should seek cultural consultation or guidance from resources within the healthcare facility, such as cultural liaisons, interpreters, or cultural competency training programs. This ensures that the nurse provides care that respects and incorporates the patient's cultural beliefs, practices, and values.

  • Option a (ignoring the patient's cultural beliefs) disregards the principle of patient-centered care and may lead to ineffective or inappropriate care.

  • Option b (avoiding discussions about cultural beliefs) limits communication and understanding, potentially leading to misunderstandings or compromised care.

  • Option d (requesting reassignment based on cultural beliefs) is not the preferred solution, as it does not promote cultural competence or the development of nursing skills in providing care to diverse populations. Seeking cultural consultation and guidance is a more appropriate approach.

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